\usepackage{titletoc}%toc:table of content
\usepackage{hyperref}%引入 hyperref 宏包以支持超链接
\usepackage{lipsum} % 用于生成示例文本
%In pgf layers are referenced using names. The standard layer, which is a bit special in certain ways, is called main. If nothing else is specified, all graphic commands are added to the main layer. You can declare a new layer using the following command:
\node[ellipse, draw, fill=white, inner sep=2pt, anchor=center] (ellipse) at (0,0) {#1};
\node[anchor=north west, text width=\linewidth, align=center, fill=white, draw] (title) at ([xshift=-30pt]ellipse.center) {#1};
问 怎么用tcolorbox 宏包制作含有ellipsoid形状标题盒子