下面是从 tikz.net 摘录的视错觉的图合集:
% definition of the pieces, just to show that in
% both configurations the same ones are used
(0,0)--( 8,0)--( 8,3)--cycle;}
% the grid
\draw[help lines,step=1] (-1,-1) grid (14,12);
% the complete triangle
% the missing square triangle
\bluetriangle [shift={( 5, 2)}]
\redpolygon [shift={( 0, 0)}]
\greenpolygon [shift={(-3,-1)}]
% the solution (uncomment next line and close in)
% \draw[very thin,red] (0,0)--(13,5) {[yshift=3cm] (0,0)--(13,5)};
\newcommand{\centercircle}{\filldraw (0,0) circle(0.5);}
%% definition of the circle in the center, just to show
%% that in both configurations the same one is used
%% surrounded by big circles (looks smaller)
\foreach \a in {1,...,5}
\filldraw (90+360/5*\a:1.8) circle(1);
%% surrounded by small circles (looks bigger)
\foreach \a in {1,...,5}
\filldraw (90+360/5*\a:0.8) circle(0.2);
%% definition of the central band, just to show
%% that in both configurations the same color is used
\foreach \a in {0.2,0.6,...,4}
\draw[line width=0.2cm,#1] (\a,1)--(\a,2);}
%% definition of the remaining part
\foreach \b in {0,0.4,...,4}
\draw[line width=0.2cm,#1] (\b,0)--(\b,3);}
\foreach \b in {0.2,0.6,...,4}
\draw[line width=0.2cm,#1] (\b,0)--(\b,1)(\b,2)--(\b,3);}
%% red band, orange and magenta perception
%% green band, lime and cyan perception
\foreach \a in {1,...,6}
{\draw[gray,very thick,fill=black,#1] (2*\a-1,0) rectangle(2*\a,1) ;
\draw[gray,very thick,fill=white,#1] (2*\a,0) rectangle(2*\a+1,1);}
%% the horizontal lines appear to slope
\foreach \b/\c in {1/0,2/3,3/0,4/-3,5/0,6/3}
\cafestrip[xshift=\c mm,yshift=\b cm];
%% perception of black dots in the white circles
\filldraw[black] (0,0) rectangle(12,9);
\foreach \a in {1,...,7}
\draw[line width=3mm,gray] (\a*1.5,0)--(\a*1.5,9);
\foreach \b in {1,...,5}
\draw[line width=3mm,gray] (0,\b*1.5)--(12,\b*1.5);
\foreach \a in {1,...,7}
\foreach \b in {1,...,5}
\fill[white] (\a*1.5,\b*1.5) circle(0.2121);