20 网上下载模板编译通不过 模板地址 https://www.latexstudio.net/archives/51459.html

发布于 2021-10-19 15:23:01

模板地址 https://www.latexstudio.net/archives/51459.html

编译环境: win10+texlive2020
行 103: Command CJKunderlinecolor undefined. renewcommand{CJKunderlinecolor}
行 335: Package fontspec Error: The font "Adobe Heiti Std" cannot be found. newfontfamily
行 335: Package fontspec Error: The font "Adobe Heiti Std" cannot be found. newfontfamily
行 335: Package fontspec Error: The font "Adobe Heiti Std" cannot be found. newfontfamily
行 335: Package fontspec Error: The font "Adobe Kaiti Std" cannot be found. newfontfamily
行 335: Package fontspec Error: The font "Adobe Kaiti Std" cannot be found. newfontfamily
行 336: Package fontspec Error: The font "Adobe Heiti Std" cannot be found. setmainfont
行 336: Package fontspec Error: The font "Adobe Heiti Std" cannot be found. setmainfont
行 336: Package fontspec Error: The font "Adobe Heiti Std" cannot be found. setmainfont
行 99: Package fontspec Error: The font "FangSong_GB2312" cannot be found.
行 99: Package fontspec Error: The font "FangSong_GB2312" cannot be found.
行 99: Package fontspec Error: The font "FangSong_GB2312" cannot be found.
行 99: Font TU/FangSong_GB2312(0)/m/n/14.05249=FangSong_GB2312/OT at 14.05249pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file or installed font not found.
行 99: Font TU/FangSong_GB2312(0)/m/n/16.06=FangSong_GB2312/OT at 16.06pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file or installed font not found.
: You have requested document class Style/nudtproposal', but the document class provides nudtproposal'.
: Option `fntef' is deprecated.
: Redefining CJKfamily `CJKrmdefault' (SimSun(0)).
: Redefining CJKfamily `CJKsfdefault' (Microsoft YaHei).
: Redefining CJKfamily `CJKttdefault' (FangSong).
: You have requested package Style/commons', but the package provides commons'.
: You have requested package Style/custom', but the package provides custom'.
: 'iso8601' date format specifier is deprecated.
: 'iso8601' date format specifier is deprecated.
: 'iso8601' date format specifier is deprecated.
: 'iso8601' date format specifier is deprecated.
: 'iso8601' date format specifier is deprecated.
: 'DeclareSortingScheme' is deprecated.
: 'name' is deprecated in sorting specifications, please use 'field'.
: 'name' is deprecated in sorting specifications, please use 'field'.
: 'name' is deprecated in sorting specifications, please use 'field'.
: 'name' is deprecated in sorting specifications, please use 'field'.
: 'DeclareSortingScheme' is deprecated.
: 'name' is deprecated in sorting specifications, please use 'field'.
: 'name' is deprecated in sorting specifications, please use 'field'.
: 'name' is deprecated in sorting specifications, please use 'field'.
: 'name' is deprecated in sorting specifications, please use 'field'.
: Macro 'urldate' already defined.
: Conflicting options.
: No file nudtProposal.bbl.
: citation 'Cong2011Sparse' was not found at all in the .bbl, bibliography labels cannot be generated, please correct the citation.
: citation 'li2000' was not found at all in the .bbl, bibliography labels cannot be generated, please correct the citation.
: citation 'biber' was not found at all in the .bbl, bibliography labels cannot be generated, please correct the citation.
: citation '2-5_2' was not found at all in the .bbl, bibliography labels cannot be generated, please correct the citation.
: Font "FangSong_GB2312" does not contain requested(fontspec) Script "CJK".
: Font TU/FangSong_GB2312(0)/m/n/14.05249' does not specify its(microtype) \fontdimen 6 (width of an em')! Therefore,(microtype) protrusion will not work with this font.
行 99: Font shape TU/SimHei(0)/b/n' undefined(Font) using TU/SimHei(0)/m/n' instead
: Font TU/FangSong_GB2312(0)/m/n/16.06' does not specify its(microtype) \fontdimen 6 (width of an em')! Therefore,(microtype) protrusion will not work with this font.
行 15: Font shape TU/KaiTi(0)/b/n' undefined(Font) using TU/KaiTi(0)/m/n' instead
行 21: Citation 'Cong2011Sparse' on page 1 undefined
行 21: Citation 'li2000' on page 1 undefined
行 22: Citation 'biber' on page 1 undefined
行 27: The option `hypcap=true' will be ignored for this(caption) particular caption
行 33: The option `hypcap=true' will be ignored for this(caption) particular caption
行 39: The option `hypcap=true' will be ignored for this(caption) particular caption
行 53: Citation '2-5_2' on page 1 undefined
行 53: Citation 'li2000' on page 1 undefined
行 58: Citation 'Cong2011Sparse' on page 1 undefined
行 58: Overfull hbox (4.7977pt too wide) in paragraph
行 61: Underfull hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph
: headheight is too small (21.9086pt): Make it at least 23.69379pt.
行 13: Underfull hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph
行 21: Underfull hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph
行 13: Underfull hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph
行 10: Empty bibliography
行 17: Underfull hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph
行 27: Underfull hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph
行 34: Underfull hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph
行 50: Overfull hbox (4.0pt too wide) in paragraph
行 50: Overfull hbox (4.0pt too wide) in paragraph
行 42: Overfull hbox (0.43936pt too wide) in alignment
行 41: Overfull hbox (25.57018pt too wide) in paragraph
: Some font shapes were not available, defaults substituted.
: There were undefined references.
: Please (re)run Biber on the file:(biblatex) nudtProposal(biblatex) and rerun LaTeX afterwards.


  1. https://github.com/TomHeaven/nudtproposal
  2. Style/nudtproposal.cls 第 103 行的


    改成 \newcommand

  3. Style/nudtproposal.cls 第 334--335 行的

    \newfontfamily\zhfont[BoldFont=Adobe Kaiti Std]{Adobe Heiti Std}
    \newfontfamily\zhpunctfont{Adobe Heiti Std}


  4. FangSong_GB2312 换成 FangSong
1 个回答





