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%% Template article for cas-sc documentclass for
%% single column output.
\newtheorem{ias}{IPC Assumption}
%\newcommand{\qed}{{\mbox{} \hspace*{\fill}{\vrule height5pt width4pt
\newcommand{\lqed}{{\mbox{} \hspace*{\fill}{\vrule height4pt width3pt
% If the frontmatter runs over more than one page
% use the longmktitle option.
%%%Author macros
% Uncomment and use as if needed
%\newproof{pot}{Proof of Theorem \ref{thm}}
% Short title
\shorttitle{This is an MWE}
% Short author
\shortauthors{Li, Tao}
% Main title of the paper
\title[mode = title]{one title}
% Title footnote mark
% eg: \tnotemark[1]
% Title footnote 1.
% eg: \tnotetext[1]{Title footnote text}
%\tnotetext[1]{<tnote text>}
% First author
% Options: Use if required
% eg: \author[1,3]{Author Name}[type=editor,
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% prefix=Sir,
% orcid=0000-0000-0000-0000,
% facebook=<facebook id>,
% twitter=<twitter id>,
% linkedin=<linkedin id>,
% gplus=<gplus id>]
\author[1]{author one}
%facebook=<facebook id>,
%twitter=<twitter id>,
%linkedin=<linkedin id>,
%gplus=<gplus id>]
% Corresponding author indication
% Footnote of the first author
% Email id of the first author
% URL of the first author
% Credit authorship
% eg:
\credit{Conceptualization of this study, Methodology, Software}
%\credit{<Credit authorship details>}
% Address/affiliation
\affiliation[1]{organization={School of Management, Huazhong University of Technology and Science},
addressline={Wu Han},
state={Hu Bei},
\author[2]{author two}%[<options>]
% Footnote of the second author
% Email id of the second author
% URL of the second author
% Credit authorship
% Address/affiliation
\affiliation[2]{organization={Department of Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology},
addressline={Kowloon, Hong Kong}}
% Footnote text
% For a title note without a number/mark
% Here goes the abstract
Well, now the abstract is to be continue, since the paper is unfinished. Later the authors will fill it.
% Use if graphical abstract is present
% Research highlights
\item first.
\item second.
% Keywords
% Each keyword is seperated by \sep
one word \sep another word
% Main text
The previous researches(\citealt{Anand2020}) about pollution regulations mainly concentrated on its effects on firms, customers and social
We introduce the problem's setting in Section~\ref{formulation}.
\section{Mathematical Formulation}\label{formulation}
We consider
\sum_{i\in\overline S}x^0_i-\sum_{i\in \overline S}a_i=\sum_{i\in\overline S}(x^0_i-a_i)^+-\sum_{i\in\overline S}(a_i-x^0_i)^+=0.
We denote $\tilde X^0(p)$ as the set of $x^0$ that satisfies Eq. (\ref{balance})
% To print the credit authorship contribution details
\bibitem[Anand and Giraud-Carrier (2020)]{Anand2020}
Anand K S , Giraud-Carrier F C. 2020. Pollution Regulation of Competitive Markets. {\em Management Science}, {\bf 66(9)}, 3799-4358.
%% Loading bibliography style file
% Loading bibliography database
% Biography
% Here goes the biography details.
% Here goes the biography details.
latexmk -pdf -synctex=1 mwe.tex