\inheritsavedanchors[from=rectangle] % this is nearly a rectangle
% ... and possibly more
\backgroundpath{% this is new
% store lower right in xa/ya and upper right in xb/yb
\southwest \pgf@xa=\pgf@x \pgf@ya=\pgf@y
\northeast \pgf@xb=\pgf@x \pgf@yb=\pgf@y
% compute corner of ``flipped page''
\pgf@xc=\pgf@xb \advance\pgf@xc by-5pt % this should be a parameter
\pgf@yc=\pgf@yb \advance\pgf@yc by-5pt
% construct main path
% add little corner
\node[shade,draw,shape=document,inner sep=2ex] (x) {Remark};
at ([shift=(-80:3cm)]x) (y) {Use Case};
\draw[dashed] (x) -- (y);
报错! Undefined control sequence.
\pgf@sh@bg@document ->\southwest \pgf
@xa=\pgf @x \pgf @ya=\pgf @y \northeas...
l.34 ...pe=document,inner sep=2ex] (x) {Remark};
\inheritsavedanchors[from=rectangle] % this is nearly a rectangle
% ... and possibly more
\backgroundpath{% this is new
% store lower right in xa/ya and upper right in xb/yb
\southwest \pgf@xa=\pgf@x \pgf@ya=\pgf@y
\northeast \pgf@xb=\pgf@x \pgf@yb=\pgf@y
% compute corner of ``flipped page''
\pgf@xc=\pgf@xb \advance\pgf@xc by-5pt % this should be a parameter
\pgf@yc=\pgf@yb \advance\pgf@yc by-5pt
% construct main path
% add little corner
\node[shade,draw,shape=document,inner sep=2ex] (x) {Remark};
at ([shift=(-80:3cm)]x) (y) {Use Case};
\draw[dashed] (x) -- (y);