请问一下,运行 BibTex 的时候出现如下错误:
Database file #1: reference/refs-UTF8.bib
You can't pop an empty literal stack for entry Dyakonov_2010
while executing---line 2446 of file gbt7714-numerical.bst
(There were 5 error messages)
author = {Dyakonov, M. I.},
title = {半导体中的自旋物理学},
publisher = {科学出版社},
address = {北京},
edition = {1},
series = {半导体科学与技术丛书},
pages = {394},
ISBN = {978-7-03-028286-6},
year = {2010},
type = {Book}
复现该问题的 MWE 如下。
author = {Dyakonov, M. I.},
title = {半导体中的自旋物理学},
publisher = {科学出版社},
address = {北京},
edition = {1},
series = {半导体科学与技术丛书},
pages = {394},
ISBN = {978-7-03-028286-6},
year = {2010},
type = {Book}
参见文献 \cite{Dyakonov_2010}。
其中 shuthesis.sty, shuthesis.cls, shuthesis.cfg 在这里下载到:https://github.com/BlueFisher/shuthesis
使用 bibtex 编译上述 MWE.tex,错误提示如下:
$ bibtex MWE
This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2022)
The top-level auxiliary file: MWE.aux
The style file: gbt7714-numerical.bst
Database file #1: refs_2022_05_08.bib
You can't pop an empty literal stack for entry Dyakonov_2010
while executing---line 2446 of file gbt7714-numerical.bst
(There was 1 error message)
问题可能出在 edition 上,要么去掉 edition,要么把 edition 设置为大于1的值