\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Notations}} & \textbf{Definition}\\ \hline
$ W_{0} $ & A matrix whose i,j elements are the length of the historical path from i to j, and no is 0 \\
$ W $ & A matrix whose i,j elements are the weight of the historical path from i to j, and no is 0 \\
$ I_{0}$ & A matrix whose i,j elements are from $W_{n}$, changing the no-zero element to 1 \\
$ f(W,n) $ &A function of$W$, details can be seen later \\
$ \mathbf{e_{i}}$ & Represents a column vector with only the i-th element being 1 \\
$ \tr{e_{i}} $ & A converted column of $e_{i}$ \\
$n_{0}(i,j) $ & Representing the number of edges passed by the corresponding historical path that $W_{0,i,j}$ presenting\\
\caption{Notations Table}
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Notations}} & \textbf{Definition} \\ \hline
$ W_{0} $ & A matrix whose i,j elements are the length of the historical path from i to j, and no is 0 \\
$ W $ & A matrix whose i,j elements are the weight of the historical path from i to j, and no is 0 \\
$ I_{0}$ & A matrix whose i,j elements are from $W_{n}$, changing the no-zero element to 1 \\
$ f(W,n) $ & A function of $W$, details can be seen later \\
$ \mathbf{e_{i}}$ & Represents a column vector with only the i-th element being 1 \\
$ \operatorname{tr}{e_{i}} $ & A converted column of $e_{i}$ \\
$n_{0}(i,j) $ & Representing the number of edges passed by the corresponding historical path that $W_{0,i,j}$ presenting \\ \hline\hline
\caption{Notations Table}