\caption[Sparse-SIM resolves known structures of ~60 nm in size.]{Sparse-SIM resolves known structures of ~60 nm in size.}
a,b, Separation of two fluorescent lines with interline spacing down to 60 nm by Sparse-SIM. Raw images were either reconstructed with the Wiener algorithm (2D-SIM) or the Wiener algorithm followed by Fourier interpolation before reconstruction with RL deconvolution for 20 (20 RL ×2) or 50 (50 RL ×2) iterations or the sparse deconvolution pipeline (Sparse ×2) (a). The region enclosed by the yellow box was magnified and shown in b. c, A representative example of dynamic ring-shaped nuclear pores labeled with Nup98–GFP in a live COS-7 cell that were observed with Sparse-SIM for more than 10 min. Images under 2D-SIM and Sparse-SIM ×2 configurations are shown on the top and bottom, respectively. d, The snapshot of the nuclear pore structure enclosed by the cyan box in c was compared with a 100-nm fluorescent bead under different reconstruction methods (2D-SIM, 20 RL ×2, 50 RL ×2 and Sparse ×2). e, Because the sizes of nuclear pores were comparable to the resolution of Sparse-SIM and the size of the pixel, we followed the protocol in Supplementary Note 9.1 to derive the actual diameters of the nuclear pore structures labeled by Nup35–GFP (red), Nup98–GFP (yellow), Nup93–GFP (green) and Nup107–GFP (cyan), respectively. f, Average diameters of rings formed by Nup35 (66 ± 3 nm; n = 30 from three cells), Nup98 (75 ± 6 nm; n = 40 from three cells), Nup93 (79 ± 4 nm; n = 40 from three cells) or Nup107 (97 ± 5 nm; n = 40 from three cells). Left and right montages show the results after Wiener reconstruction or sparse deconvolution. g, The magenta box in c is enlarged and shown at six time points. Centerline, medians; limits, 75\% and 25\%; whiskers, maximum and minimum; error bars, s.e.m. Experiments were repeated five times independently with similar results; scale bars, 500 nm (c) and 100 nm (d and g).%图片注释部分