\KwIn{数据图$G=(V_G, E_G)$, 整数参数$K$, 以及查询顶点$v_q$ }
visited= $\varnothing$, $l = 0$ \label{code:truss-search:init}
\If{边$(v_q,u)$的{\rm truss}不小于$k$且并未访问过}
visited = visited$\cup \{(v_q, u)\}$\;
$l ++$\;
$C_l=\varnothing, Q=\varnothing$ \;
$Q$.push$(v_q, u)$\;
\While{$Q \neq \varnothing$}
$(x,y) = Q.$pop()\;
\For{$z\in N(x)\cap N(y)$}
\If{$(x,z)$和$(y,z)$的{\rm truss}值均不小于$K$}
visited = visited $\cup \{(x,z)\}$
visited = visited $\cup \{(y,z)\}$
Return \{$C_1$, $\cdots$, $C_l$\}
实际上是中间的行号比前两行和最后一行更靠近右侧一点。这应该是 algorithm2e
的 bug。
在导言区重定义 \algocf@Vline
\@ifpackagelater{algorithm2e}{2017/07/19}{}{% current version 2017/07/18
%%%%%%%%% block with a vertical line end by a little horizontal line
\renewcommand{\algocf@Vline}[1]{% no vskip in between boxes but a strut to separate them,
\strut\par\nointerlineskip% then interblock space stay the same whatever is inside it
\algocf@push{\skiprule}% move to the right before the vertical rule
\hbox{\kern-.4pt\vrule% %% <- add \kern
\vtop{\algocf@push{\skiptext}%move the right after the rule
\vtop{\algocf@addskiptotal #1}\Hlne}}\vskip\skiphlne% inside the block
\algocf@pop{\skiprule}%\algocf@subskiptotal% restore indentation
\nointerlineskip}% no vskip after
%%%%%%%%% block with a vertical line
\renewcommand{\algocf@Vsline}[1]{% no vskip in between boxes but a strut to separate them,
\strut\par\nointerlineskip% then interblock space stay the same whatever is inside it
\algocf@push{\skiprule}% move to the right before the vertical rule
\hbox{\kern-.4pt\vrule% the vertical rule %% <- add \kern
\vtop{\algocf@push{\skiptext}%move the right after the rule
\vtop{\algocf@addskiptotal #1}}}% inside the block
\algocf@pop{\skiprule}% restore indentation
\KwIn{数据图$G=(V_G, E_G)$, 整数参数$K$, 以及查询顶点$v_q$ }
visited= $\varnothing$, $l = 0$ \label{code:truss-search:init}
\If{边$(v_q,u)$的{\rm truss}不小于$k$且并未访问过}
visited = visited$\cup \{(v_q, u)\}$\;
$l {++}$\;
$C_l=\varnothing, Q=\varnothing$ \;
$Q$.push$(v_q, u)$\;
\While{$Q \neq \varnothing$}
$(x,y) = Q.$pop()\;
\For{$z\in N(x)\cap N(y)$}
\If{$(x,z)$和$(y,z)$的{\rm truss}值均不小于$K$}
visited = visited $\cup \{(x,z)\}$
visited = visited $\cup \{(y,z)\}$
Return \{$C_1$, $\cdots$, $C_l$\}